A collection of facts and information that are gathered by the processes, apps, and external data sources of your organization is called data. If handled and modelled correctly, these quantitative variables—which might represent anything—are the foundation of the majority of prosperous company endeavours. Representing the data that comprise a database’s components is the aim. You also need to prepare, group, and arrange that material. This will allow you to use specially designed models to monitor your data. Here’s where optimal practices for data modelling using data stacks come into play.

In the process of enterprise data management and data architecture, each level of the data model plays a distinct role. An enterprise data model is created and improved through an iterative process that begins at a high level and is continuously improved until every detail is taken into consideration.

A Data Model: What Is It?

To standardize and arrange the data and information so that you can examine it and make inferences, create a data model. Data models make data easier to consume by representing the actual data. It also fosters collaboration between the IT and business teams. Data models use visual diagrams to record business operations and the connections between them. The benefit of supporting diverse audiences is that these representations convey the same information at varying levels of detail.

Your data warehouse’s contents are only worthwhile if they are put to good use. You must think about how end users will see your data and how quickly they will be able to respond to your queries in order to make it useful. 

The phrase “data modelling” has several different interpretations. For our purposes, creating data tables that are usable by users, BI tools, and apps is referred to as data modelling. Many of the traditional data modelling holy cows and norms have been rendered obsolete, and in some cases even harmful, by the creation of the modern data warehouse and ELT pipeline. Opposing and dogmatic data modelling zealots have written a great deal over the years. We’ll examine the most recent data modelling best practices in this post, free of dogmas, for the benefit of the analytics, software, and data analysts who are creating these models.

Business Analytics Stack’s Evolution

The previous five years have seen significant evolution in the business analytics stack. Thanks to advancements in technology, entrepreneurs of all sizes may now obtain data that was previously exclusive to the biggest and most advanced tech organizations. For the majority of use cases, the current analytics stack consists of a simple extract, load, and transform (ELT) pipeline. Because the load and extract parts of this pipeline are already commoditized due to suppliers like Stitch, businesses can focus on adding value by creating domain-specific business logic in the transform part.

Modern data warehousing uses data modelling to organize and query data. Let’s discuss modern data warehousing data modelling best practices to help organizations improve data analysis. Start with understanding your data: Before starting data modelling, you must understand your data and your queries. This involves identifying business rules, data requirements, data sources, and data links. Start with a deep understanding of your data to ensure your data model accurately reflects the facts and meets business goals.

Data normalization: Normalization groups data into tables to ensure uniformity and remove repetition. This improves data accuracy and reduces storage. For effective querying and analysis, normalization must be balanced. Sometimes renormalization is needed to improve query efficiency.

Consistent and clear data modelling requires accurate and standard naming conventions. Clear and uniform naming conventions simplify data model and querying. Avoid acronyms and abbreviations that not all users know.

Include metadata and data lineage: Knowing data lineage and metadata is essential to understanding its history and provenance. Integrating data lineage and metadata into data architecture improves data quality and accuracy. Data governance and compliance can benefit from its audit trail of data updates.

Consider scalability: Modern data warehousing processes and analyses massive volumes of data. Scalability must be considered when designing the data model. The data model must account for future development and data expansion rate.

Examine query patterns: Creating the data model must consider the query patterns used to assess the data. Determine what questions will be asked and create a data model to answer them. If columns are similar and often requested, they may need to be in the same table.

Indexing improves query performance: Indexing involves creating data structures for faster searching and retrieval. By indexing commonly requested data, organizations can improve query response times.


Partitioning breaks large datasets into smaller, easier-to-manage chunks to speed up query processing. By dividing data by date or place, organizations can improve query efficiency by scanning less data each query.

Select the right data modelling tool: Each data modelling technology has pros and cons. selecting a tool that meets your company’s goals is crucial. Some technologies are better for modelling large volumes of data, while others are easier for smaller teams.

Verify the data model. It is crucial to validate the data model before putting it into use to make sure it appropriately represents the data and satisfies the business needs. This entails using sample data to evaluate the data model and confirming that the results match expectations.

Through the integration of these optimal methodologies into our data modelling procedure, we assist establishments in creating precise, effective, and expandable data models. Organizations can acquire a competitive edge in their business by extracting important insights from their data using a well-designed data model.